While Uriah was downstairs with his butt on fire, I was upstairs giving birth to our baby, or should I say babies! We had twins! The ghosts were in full screaming freaking out mode, like I hadn't done this before!

Ithica was first, she is just a beautiful baby girl.

And then Jace, a handsome baby boy.

I have to say, Uriah made some good looking babies.
Baby maker,
Its birthday time again! The girls are turning into teenagers! It goes by so fast! They didn't even come home to celebrate! I guess they really don't like me. You know I think only Braxton likes me. Its okay, he was the special one anyways.

Greer celebrated her birthday by being arrested! She is going to be a handful.

Going to have to crap the whip,
I asked Orion to marry me today. He turned me down! I thought this seduction thing was suppose to work! To top it off, he skipped town after this! I don't know where he went, neither does his family! Ugh, thank god I wasn't pregnant yet with his kid! He left no forwarding address or phone number, just ran like the coward he is! (So Orion really did glitch out. She married him twice, and both times when he went to move in he crashed my game. I even tried to split him with his household and move him in that way. It would say send to clipboard, and then he would disappear! Anyone from any other house would work, just not him. So I gave up trying to fix him and went a different route. Ella is glitched too, I can't add her to the sim bin for some reason. She just goes to saving mode and then is in that mode forever till my game is not responding. I tried to get to saved 5 times last night. I have no idea what is wrong with either of them.)

Well Bob,
With Orion pulling the disappearing act, I had to think fast. I called my neighbor Zoe over, who I have been friends with for awhile. She was very responsive to my advances!

I was not letting this one make an escape!

She did however, interrupt my plans to have her birthday

But after that, it was like we didn't even miss a beat!

Back in the saddle again,
Oh my, my babies are cute! It was Ithica's and Jace's birthday today. Look at them!

I wonder if these one's will like me.
Oh yes, and I found out I am expecting again!

Talk soon,
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