Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Chapter 6

Dearest most wonderful Bob,

I had a boy! I named him Braxton. Haha get it! I didn't get a picture of him, as frankly I am just too wore out to deal with it. And guess what else! Ashlynn is indeed a girl! I was finally able to give her that much needed makeover. She's adorable again!


As you can tell, I am in a much better mood. I even had the energy to take things to the next level with Hugh. You remember Hugh don't you? The next fool I will be knocked up with.


Hmm no lullaby music, must keep trying! Not that I want to be pregnant again after that debacle, but rules are rules, right? Right. We tried all night long, in the shower, in the bed, on the floor. Nothing nada, zip!

But then just before another round in the shower, my tummy started feeling queezy. Hmmm wonder why I didn't get a lullaby!


Ah here you go Bob. A picture of Braxton. I think he's blind! It would be Torey's fault if he is, that damn flash when I was pregnant!


Yep, number 3 is on the way. That means its time to start looking for my next baby daddy.


I'm sorry for yelling at you,



Dear Bob,

Today Ashlynn was invited to a little boys house after school! She is growing up so fast! I am so proud of that little girl!


No time to talk,




Torey and Quinn are out in full swing! They are just as bad dead as they were alive! The house is a mess, the baby is screaming, and I am not sure what is going on with this dog Hugh brought over! I was not wanting a pet, but he had him when he moved in, so I had to say yes. Ugh, now I have dog smelling house!


Quinn is jealous of Torey because Torey got a photo and Quinn didn't. All Quinn wants to do now is haunt Torey's grave.


I thought Torey was going to finally acknowledge his son. He stood at the crib for hours just looking at Braxton! It was kind of cute!


But, he proved me wrong. He only wanted to scare Braxton! What a butt!


More later,



Dear Bob,

I forgot to tell you Hugh and I got married! Way long before I even was showing for this pregnancy! With all the labor crap, I totally forgot! And guess what!? He had money! He wasn't rich by any means, but $54,000 was a nice bit of change! I plan on upgrading the basement a bit more and then adding onto the house. I just have no had time yet as Braxton takes up a lot of time and so do the ghosts.


Ah yes, and Lucky. That is the dog Hugh brought with him. He's a cute one, but dumber than stump! Not sure if we are keeping him yet though. I'll at least keep him till Hugh dies, but then I might sell him to the highest bidder!


Ashlynn is going through a brat phase. I don't know if its teenage hormones kicking in, lack of sleep or just plain bratisim. Anyways she is totally a booger, she is grounded all the time right now. Not that it does any good.


I am now on day 3 of my pregnancy. Again that Goddess gave me the 12 hour treatment. Again it is not working.  I just really hope this pregnancy doesn't go like the last one, or the labor! If it does, I quit!


Braxton had his birthday! He is so cute! I am so happy that everything worked out, I don't know what I would do without this kid!


I finally made it out of the house! I headed to the gym as I hadn't been there yet, and was looking for a hunky guy this time. There was no one there. Dead as a doornail that place was. Does no one take fitness seriously? Finally in walked a doofus, I mean guy. I chatted with him a bit, and found out he was single. Hmmm wonder why! Eh, he'll do I guess, can't all by hunky pieces of meat right? Right. I don't even know his name though, so I hope I can find him again.


I got home to more messes and more crap. I swear does no one know what a dishwasher is!


Torey and Quinn are getting along great. Which sucks! I wanted fights! Excitement if I'm stuck in this house!


I leave you with this Bob, ghost dads are annoying! I'm really thinking of putting a chain on the basement door to keep them in. But since they go through walls, I think it would be a waste of money.


Until next time,


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