Dear Bob,
It has been about a week since my last
update. I'm sorry about this, but we've been pretty busy around here
and updating my journal was the last of my worries. Quinn is having a
hard time deciding if he wants to engage in conversation with Ashlynn.
She on the other hand has no desire as of right now to get to know her
father. She finds his presence a bit creepy. I too am a bit creeped out
by his behavior. He has not gone back into his urn since he came out and
all he does is follow Ashlynn around when she is home. Tonight I caught
him just standing over her bed watching her sleep. I thought about
saying something, but I figured maybe this is his way of dealing with
being dead and not getting to actually be there for her in all the ways a
father should be.
is so needy! I am not a dog person, I decided this now! He barks and
barks and barks, and it is just so nerve wracking! I hate not giving him
attention, but I just don't have time! He's Hugh's dog, he needs to be
giving him the attention he needs, not me. I have other things to worry
about, and a dog was not in the plan.
More later,
He should of listened to me Bob!
Hugh's in big trouble. I kept telling him that stupid dog needed
attention! He ignored me, choosing to watch TV instead. So this morning,
the "government" came and took Lucky away. Well hopefully his next
family has more time to deal with his pissing on the floor, me, I am
actually glad he's gone.
with all tragedy comes great things right? Right. My great thing was I
was able to get Braxton potty trained and walking! Now if I can just get
him to talk.
Dogless in Dragon Valley,
Dear Bob,
missed the ghost story! I was so upset! But it seems Torey and Quinn
get along great, weird. I was hoping for a little more action between
them, but it doesn't seem to be happening.
found out today that Ashlynn can make bats come out of her head! It
seems to only be when she is doing her homework, but still, its pretty
finally broke down and hired a maid! I just couldn't take it anymore! I
have a sloppy husband, 2 sloppy ghosts, a sloppy child and a
destructive toddler! I need Calgone! The maid was kind of cute and I
instantly decided against whatshisname from the gym, and that she was
going to be my next spouse! If only I can convince her of it now.
I went into labor pretty easily this time around. And guess what! It didn't last fifteen million days!
The Goddess has granted me the blissfulness of twins! If you couldn't
tell, that was sarcastic. Again there is something wrong with their
eyes. I don't know if it is this town, or I am just destined to have
blind babies! I just hope they gain their site like Braxton did!
I had a girl first, Calista
Then my second one was a boy, I just plopped him on the floor. I named him Draven.
Super busy Mom,
Dear Bob,
are going slower than I would of liked. With so many babies in the
house, I just do not have time to go out and meet someone, or flirt when
the maid is here! The ghosts are driving me bananas! Have you ever
lived with ghosts Bob? Well don't! Ever! This morning I was minding my
own business eating my cereal, and who should come along to join me?
Quinn! F*cktard made my whole bowl spill on me! I was so pissed!
still hasn't mustered enough balls to talk to his daughter, but is now
constantly playing with the babies! So much so, that they start to
starve before he puts them down! Really Bob, I think I need to find a
urn binding spell!
More later,
sweet sound of cheating in the morning!! Yep, that is right, I did it! I
finally was able to get dumbass Hugh to see my love affair with
Charissa. I chalk him up to not as stupid as Quinn, but definitely not
as smart as Torey. Semi dumb is what I am calling him.
Single again!
It's birthday time Bob!
heard me! The twins are having a birthday! I don't know if I am freaked
out or excited! Ugh, that means we are going to have 3 toddlers in the
house now!
Calista was up first.
Then Draven
they not just so cute! They are, their mine, of coarse they are cute! I
think Draven is going to be a handful though. After the birthdays, I
was finally able to get Braxton finished on his skills, and he learned
to talk!
I mention that Calista and Draven are witches?! No? Oh, sorry about
that. Well they are! And Calista is already showing she has great power!
Maybe she will surpass me someday.
might only be a human, but he is a smart little guy! He learned all his
peg skills and his music skills days before his birthday!
although a witch, has shown no desire in practicing his craft. It's sad
really, as a warlock in this time, would be a very powerful thing for
the family that he belongs too. But I honestly cannot be too mad about
his lack of power, he is just too cute to be mad at for very long. He is
also only a toddler, so he could still grown into his powers and decide
to embrace them.
More later,
Dear Bob,
know I haven't brought up Hugh in the last update. That is because I've
been having a little issue of how to kill him. At first I thought since
he was an elder, I'd go ahead and let him die naturally. I built him a
beautiful cage to live in! It had everything he could possibly want, a
bed, a nice comfy chair, a bookshelf for when he got bored, an all in
one bathroom, fridge and even a microwave! I went all out! But then a
day into his solitary life, I started thinking. I know right, me think!
Imagine! Anyways! I started thinking, if I let him live out his life, he
has at least 17 days left just on his age bar, not counting how many
times he cheats death after that! That means, I couldn't get into a
serious relationship with Charissa until then, and again that meant not
getting married and starting on her kill, until he died. Oh no, that
just wouldn't work I though. Too long! So I changed my mind. A girl can
do that you know! So I decided to take away his fridge, counter and
microwave and give him a Jelly Bean Plant instead. If he gets hungry he
can eat that, eventually it should kill him right? Right. So we waited,
and waited. He would go into starving mode, and then he would
miraculously be full. It was quite funny watching really. At one point
he even breathed fire! Awesome!
ate and ate and ate and ate. Aren't there a number of jelly beans you
can only eat before you die? I'm not a Jelly Bean guru so I am not sure
on this. I waited and waited, he turned blue. I like it! But he didn't
and more he ate. I was starting to rethink this crap, it was taking
forever! In the meantime Charissa was getting quite impatient with me,
as she wanted to move in. She has been fired for fraternizing with the
clients and at this point was homeless. Haha I'm torturing her early. So
on this went for days. Hugh's smartness was pissing me off. Then,
something hilarious happened! His butt caught on fire! To top it off,
his all in one bathroom was broken and I hadn't been in to repair it
yet! Not the way I was planning on him dying, but it did the job!
Murder number 3 complete.
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