Monday, March 2, 2015

Chapter 1

My name is Evangeline Blackstone. I was born in Hidden Springs where our clan has resided for centuries. Growing up, I was taught the difference between our clan (the mighty and powerful) and other clans of our world (weak and meager), I was also taught about our enemy clan in Dragon Valley. Centiries ago, our worlds were not so divided, the clans were allys. The story goes that two royal sisters were born, the parents split, one moving to Dragon Valley, the other staying in Hidden Springs. When the parents split, they split the sisters. Years went by and neither knew the other excisted as the clans had covered any mention of this. The two sisters fell in love and were said to be getting married. Just days before the wedding, one sister finds out that her groom is engaged to someone else. The sisters meet and fight over the handsome man, one sister killing the other. The parents of the sisters then come to find out that one of their children are dead, and put a curse on the other clan. War is faught, lives are lost, and the land around Hidden Springs and Dragon Valley is destroyed.

Are you bored yet? I could keep going on about it all, but really what can change? The main thing is the curse! Dragon Valley's curse on Hidden Springs was called the Black Widow. It is a horriible curse! Elven women are allowed to fall in love, marry, have a child, and then the curse peaks it ugly head. The wife will kill the husband. Now I know this is normal in some culters like bugs. But we are elves! We should not be killing our mates after we 'mate'. But for centires now this has been going on. Elders have tried to get together with Dragon Valley Elders and lift both curses, apprently theirs is just as bad, but have had no luck. Until recently.

Elder Amell found a piece of paper hidden in the archives. The curse of the Black Widow. It states the curse, and I guess the curse on Dragon Valley is called the Love and Fertility curse. Boy us Springers were harsh in the days! The Love and Fertility curse is pretty much just that, they find love easily and have lots and lots of babies. I guess that could be a curse then. I did hear one person had 20 babies in her lifetime! I would not want to be her!

I sure do ramble a lot! I really should just get to the point. So blah blah blah, curses and crap. I was born a witch, which really is not a common thing among elves. You would think it would be, but it's not. There hasn't been a witch born amoung us since Elder Jane, and she is ancient! I automatically am in line now for elderhood because of my gift. I don't want to be an elder though, they are boring and have to wear dreadful clothing!

Back to the curse! The curses reads that both curses are counter parts, one has to be created so the other can exsist. And same goes to dispell the curses. Both have to be done at the same time. And wanna know the kicker?! They have to be done with someone with magic. Yep, that is me! I am so thrilled, not!

So what does this mean? I am the one that supposedly can break both curses! Not too much pressure right? And the best part is yet to come! I don't just break the curse by being born with magic, oh no, that would be too easy, plus someone else in history could do it then. No, I am born of both worlds also. This is a recent finding, as I thought both my parents were from Hidden Springs, and so did everyone else! Come to find out of late, my father was adopted, and brought from Dragon Valley! The horror and shame! No really, you do not understand!

But with that being found out, me having magic, and being of young and fertile age, everything alighned just right for me to be the curse breaker! Ugh what a title, maybe elderhood doesn't sound so bad after all. So get this, wanna know what I have to do?! Its great, you'll love it! I, little ol' me, has to move to Dragon Valley, fall in love and marry, get pregnant, have child, and then kill my husband, after of coarse I've cheated on him! What the hell! Who's messed up idea is this and how is this going to break the curse! I don't have to do this just once either, I have to do this as many times as I can possibly take it!

How is this going to break the curse you ask? I have no fricking idea! I'm just doing what the elders said to do on the piece of paper. Apparently, bringing the Black Widow curse, and the Love and Fertility curse together along with powerful magic, will make a cabloomy and all will be right in the world. I personally think its a load of bullcrap. I can't argue with the elders though, once they say something, you do it, or die. Its the clan life. And I really do not want to die. So half and half witch with both curses attached to her along with her magic gets to be the breaker.

Wow, I think I got it all out finally! I really hope I didn't put you to sleep, I can ramble and talk a lot sometimes. Well all the time, my Mom says I never shut up actually.

So here I am, in Dragon Valley! Oh and another good part! I get no money! They gave me enough to buy the necessities, a house, some food ect. But once that runs out, I have to get money from my spouses or whoever else I decide I am going to mate with. I swear I got the crap end of a deal somewhere! I don't know what my parents did to piss off the elders, oh wait, I do, I was born.

Well here I am. I'm pretty snazzy if I don't say so myself. I'm not conceited at all, I just know I'm a cutie and a looker. I've got the personality to boot! Again another reason the elders think I'm perfect for breaking this curse. The men and a lot of women, find me irresistible. I'll have floods of fans everywhere! It gets kind of annoying though, I can't even scratch my butt without someone watching! Annnooooying!


I will be keeping this journal from start to finish, this way if the curse does not get broken, someone in the future can learn from my mistakes. It will be as detailed as possible with lots and lots of pictures! Pictures make everything better!

I didn't get much money to move to Dragon Valley with, so I ended up buying the smallest house available and will be upgrading it as I go. I cannot afford to get a job as I have to actually work both curses for them to break. You guessed it, I am going to be a baby making killing machine! Fun stuff!

So here is my humble shack. Like I said, its not much, but that will change as soon as I get the first victim, I mean spouse under my spell.


Not much huh?! It is kind of cozy, but so small! Oh well, it has the things I need right now, and that is what matters.

Well jounal, I am going to end this for now as the move, the long history and everything else just seemed to take a lot out of me. I am told I have to start right away with everything, so tomorrow will be that day.

Until then,

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