Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Chapter 15

Drear Bob,

Hailey has been such a great help with the toddlers. I'm really going to be sad when she moves out. Its all going by so fast! Little Ithica learned to walk today.


With Zoe at home, and Hailey and Greer helping out around the house, I was able to head out and meet someone new! Cassie Fernandes and I hit it off really well! I wasn't impressed with her rock, paper, scissor skills though, she kept picking the same ones as me! Copy cat!


I'll let you know how it goes with her,



You know the drill!



It's a boy Bob!

Yep another little boy! And only one! Whew, thank goodness, I was kind of feeling a bit stretched out from all the multiples! Flynn met me at the hospital! He says it was to make sure I didn't take anyone else's babies home, but I know deep down he loves me. Maybe very deep down, but its there.

Oh, I named my new little man Keaton!


Going to rest now,


Birthdays Bob!

Jace and Ithica's!



And then it was Greer and Hailey's. They are moving out too!



Cassie came over and Zoe caught us!


So off to the basement she went. I locked her in with the jelly bean tree hoping this time we'd get a jelly death. I was nice and gave her an all in one bathroom too so she could put herself out. I want a jelly death!


She then tried to pull the bed down and got crushed. She didn't die though, I would of taken that also!


She ate and ate and ate those jelly beans! She kept herself alive with candy and the little things I left in the cell. And then it happened. I don't know how many she ate, like a million or something! But it finally happened!


See, this is why I wanted her to die by jelly beans! She's a pretty ghost!


Jace and Ithaca were downstairs playing with their dolls when Jace decided to chat with the other Bob. I think he is looking for a new daddy!


Seven down, three to go!


Dear Bob,

The bitch cheated on me! How dare she, and with Teagen! I wanted Teagen! Does she know what I do to people that piss me off! I am so mad Bob, I don't know if I can forgive her for this! The lying cheating daughter of a llama!


I forgave her. I needed her, I was already pregnant with her hell spawn, so I figured I'd better keep her. At least for a minute.


Minutes up! I met my next love! Oooh and a alien! I wonder if they do it differently? I've heard about this probing thing, I am not sure if I'd like it though.


I'll let you know,


Wow the days are flying by Bob!

It just seems like 2 days ago the twins grew into children, now their teens! I am getting so old!



Keaton had his birthday too. I was very disappointed. I saw my hair, eyes and skintone, but he ended up with Zoe's face. She wasn't as pretty as I though, look at that honker!


Might have to put a bag over his head.


I got married Bob!

Don't give me that look! I know it wasn't my first time! But this time I actually had to work hard at it. She cheated on me and all, so it took a bit for me to forgive her. But forgive her I did, and I wasn't letting this one get away again!



Really? You believe me on that?! HA! Your sillier than I thought you funny little book! Sheesh I'd of killed her days ago if I didn't need her to actually marry me and all that crap. The lying cheating whore! I'm going to make her suffer Bob, heed my words! SUFFER!

First step, getting Axane Uzopoc over from her planet or house or whatever she resides in. I'd been chatting to her for awhile getting our relationship up. Surprisingly we were very compatible. Didn't help the Goddess of Love and Fertility gave me a couple of booster things, like seduction and very attractive to everyone. I'd like to see someone turn me down now!


Oh oops, did I hurt your feelings you cheating witch!? How do you like it?! I'm the only one allowed to cheat in this town missy! All others will pay!


I had starved her for awhile. Locked the fridge so she couldn't get anything from it, and then hid all the snacks. I'm mean like that! I needed her good and hungry for what I had coming for her next though. After she was just hours away from starving to death, I unlocked the basement door. Go get that yummy cake you hussy! And she did. She headed right to the cowplant. And then didn't make it. NOOOO! You bitch! I wanted you to die by the cow!

So anti climatic! She starved, big deal.


Until next time,


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