I got married!

Then I had Langston!

More to come,
I'd like to keep Axane along with Aiden. She might not be the prettiest thing in the world, but she is great with the kids! Oh and that whole probing thing, not so bad! Different, but not bad! We're expecting a little bundle of joy soon!

I'll keep you posted,
Oh my god Bob!
I'm a Grandma! That's right, you heard me correctly! I am a Grandma! I never thought it would happen, but Braxton met a nice girl named Morida or something like that, and had a baby girl! She's a pink bundle of cuteness, I'll post pictures later! They named her Rosie, so fitting!
Proud Grandma,
Another Birthday Bob,
Honker grew up! See the honker? Not yet huh? Well I am sure I'll get a picture of it sooner or later. Zoe clone that this one is!

Guess all my babies can't be cute,
Teenagers in the house Bob!
That is right, we have more birthdays! Ithica and Jace grew up very nicely! I am very proud!

Help wanted,
This quick pregnancy isn't working out for me! I feel like I just gave birth to one, and then I'm having another! Help me, please!

While I was in labor, Langston celebrated his birthday alone, in his room. Sorry Langston!

He was a good boy though and went straight to play with his toys. I think he heard me screaming and hollering and didn't want to see what I was doing.

We had twin alien girls Bob!
This one is Matreya

And Noemip

Can you tell I let Axane name them? I really hope I can pronounce their names.
Alien probed,
She's so cool Bob!
I told you I want to keep Axane right? She is awesome! Look what she is doing to my starving baby! It didn't help him get any food in his belly, but she did give him a brain boost!

See it now Bob?! The honker! I told you I'd have a picture eventually. I really think there is something wrong with this one. He plays with the table leg all the time!

And I know I have magical powers, but this is just ridiculous!

Kinda creeped out,
Number 10 Bob!
I met my Mr. Right Now! His name is Kearney MacAnna - O'Shea, quite a mouthful wouldn't you say? He's married though! We'll have to fix that now won't we!? Do you know why I like him Bob? He let me show off Rosie! I was so proud of her, even though I still have yet to meet her. But look! He let me show off all my family pictures!

Then he accepted the flowers I gave him. He's a doll.

I'm going to miss Axane so much! She is the best thing to come into this house, well besides all my babies! Look at her fix the dishwasher without even lifting a finger! Well, she lifted a finger to her forehead, but that didn't count!

So impressed!
The time has come Bob,
I'm sad to do it, but it has to be done. We only have one more after Axane till the curse is broken. Mom called me the other day and told me that their are actually real families in Hidden Springs now! Some still have the urge to kill their spouses after the child has been born. But there are a couple that have curved the urge sort to speak and actually have Mommies Daddies and babies! Its working, just a bit longer.
So with a heavy heart, I have to do this Bob, Axane you were the best. I promise to make it quick and semi painless.

Heartbreak city,
The end is here Bob,
She went to the cowplant, just as I figured. I was scared he would only toy with her though and make her time miserable. I was gladly mistaken. He made it quick. Good cowplant.

We'll miss you Axane,
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