Monday, March 2, 2015

Chapter 3

Dear Bob,

I know its been a few days since I've updated. No I did not kill Quinn, though I really wanted to many many times. A lot has happened since I last updated. First off, I met my next, what do I call them? Spouse? Victim? Love? I don't know, anyways I met the next guy I'm going to make fall in love with me. His name is Torey Walker. I am not sure if he is human or elf, as I haven't had the nerve to check his ears. I guess it really doesn't matter though, he's just another notch on my belt so to speak. Maybe I'll even quit calling them by their names, and just assign them numbers! It won't be so personal that way.


I honestly don't know how I met Torey, something like he's a University Mascot or something, I don't know, and honestly I don't care. He's next that is all that matters right? Right.

I invited him over, and he showed up in no time, I didn't even have time to get dressed! This guy must live real close, because he is constantly over and right there! Either that or I have a stalker, which is cool. Easier to get him under my spell I guess.

The one thing that really bugs me about Torey, he always wants to take selfies! ALWAYS! It's ridiculous! How can someone be so into themselves to want to see pictures plastered all over the place?! I indulged his weird habit and let him take a selfie with me.


It went horribly wrong! Stupid ass forgot to take the flash off! How does one do that when all they do all day long is take selfies?!


My eyes! Oh my god, my eyes! Can I kill him now?!


After that he owed me! I went in for the kiss!


What is with these stupid people! He got so pissed off, something about my husband being right outside. Whatever asshat, you should be glad I'm giving you the time of day!


Aww much better. It was only a matter of time, right? Right.


I swear to the goddess' Bob, Quinn is fricking oblivious! I have done everything from kissing in front of him, to Torey giving me gifts, and yet Quinn doesn't get mad. I think he's missing some screws in his head, because most of the time, he either laughs, or goes to bed.


I even wrote Torey a love letter right in front of Quinn, and he did nothing! Seriously, does it look like I'm paying the bills?!


That is it for now,



Dear Bob,

He is retarded! I don't like that word usually, but to describe Quinn, it is the best word that fits!

Torey almost lives at our house now, we have had sex, we have made out, and still Quinn just ignores it. We even made out to no end right in front of him!



I thought for sure Quinn was going to react this time. Nope, just Torey! He flipped out because again, we were right in front of Quinn. Its not like he cares Torey!


See, retarded. Just laughs!






I'm in labor! Oh boy no one said this hurts like a bitch! I mean why do people do this! Maybe I'm the retarded one for signing up for this crap! I might have to rethink just letting the curse stay!


I have to go!



Dear Bob,

Sorry it has yet again been days since my last entry. I was stuck in the hospital for a couple days. I had a girl by the way! I know you didn't ask, but I'm letting you know anyways! I named her Ashlynn. Toad wanted to name her weird name after his mother, but I put a stop to that one real quick. Sadly, I think she is going to look like toad. Hopefully not though. She is a vampire like he, and has his nasty yellow hair. She has my eyes though! So that is good right? Right.


I did it Bob! I finally got Quinn to be pissed about me cheating on him! Took me almost dropping Torey on the floor to do it, but I did it!



I unlocked the basement long enough to lure Quinn into his cell. I told him their was candy down there and he believed me! What a moron! I wonder if I need to sound proof it?


Until later,



Dear Bob,

Well Quinn is still alive down there as I can hear him crying all the time! He's worse than Ashlynn! She at least sleeps most of the day! My god, how long do vampires last without blood? It's been days, and still he just cries and texts! Oh did I mention that his ex girlfriend called me telling me he keeps calling her for a woohooty text? Are you serious! The cheating bastard!! Good riddance to him, whenever he does die!

On a better note, well maybe a better note. I am expecting again!


Yes it is Toreys! I'm not that slutty, yet.

On an even better note that that, Ashlynn aged up to a toddler! Whew, she was a horrible baby, she just cried like her dad all the time! Simply annoying that one is.

She tuned out kinda cute though, all but her greenish yellow hair that looks like she stayed in the chlorine pool too long. We don't have a pool, so it just naturally ugly. I might have to dye it for her later.


I told Torey I was pregnant, the stupid man gave me a thumbs up! Really? A thumbs up, like I just won a race or something, not that I was carrying his child! Men are really stupid.


And on the bestest note yet of this entry! Toad face finally kicked the bucket! Yep you heard me right Bob, he's dead!!

I heard screaming down there, and when I went down, I saw the last of what was happening. It was pretty awesome if you ask me!


Grim came to collect his soul, do vampires have souls Bob? Oh speaking of which, did you know that Grim's name is Bob too!!? Its so funny! Hmm maybe I'm not writing to a journal, I'm writing to the Grim Reaper.

Wow, so much to think about!


Well, that's it for now Bob! One down, many to go! It only took half my young adult life to get this far. I really hope my lifespan is that like a real witch, or I just won't get very far.

Talk to you later,


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