Monday, March 2, 2015


The female often kills and eats the male, which explains the males' short lifespans.

I needed something to break up the insanity of my ISBI challenge, and so decided to start on another Black Widow challenge, but with a bit of a twist. If you do not know what the Black Widow challenge is, you can find the rules here. I will not be following the rules totally, and will not be scoring, I will keep a tally of spouses, children, ect.

So what makes this different than the everyday Black Widow challenge? For each affair/husband/boyfriend ect she needs to concieve a child. I also will not be going with the typical 10 spouse, 10 kills, I am going to try and get as many possible in before she dies. I have no decided yet if I will be changing her lifespan from normal to higher to get more kills in, but as of now she is set to normal. Unlike my ISBI challenge, I will be controlling other sims besides my one. I am going to be trying to get all different forms of killing, some though I will not be able to do.

Ways to kill in TS3
Mummy Curse
Haunting Curse
Jelly Bean Plant
Murphy's Bed
Crushed by Vending Machine
Jetpack Crash
Time Anomaly
Door of Life and Death

Some of these are downloaded from the store. If you can think of any other ways to kill sims, please let me know. I am going to shoot for having a ghost of every color, but again some of these might not happen. Transmutation is the Midas Touch thing, and I don't think it causes death to other sims, just yours if it backfires or you use it too much. That one I probably won't be doing due to it killing my sim not who I want it to.

She will also not be able to get any kind of job. In the rules you can get a PT job, this is not allowed for mine. She cannot do anything and sell it, like painting ect. All money that comes in has to come in from her getting married or her partner joining the household. When kids become teens, they also will not be allowed to get jobs. Children will be moved out as soon as they turn into a YA to make room for more victims spouses.


Again, I might add more to the tally section, I am not sure yet.

I think that is it! So lets meet our Black Widow!

Evangeline Blackstone


She is Charismatic, Flirty, Great Kisser (As per the challenge) and also Irresistible and Schmoozer. Her LTW is Heartbreaker

Favorites are: Fruit Parfait, Dark Wave, and Turquoise. Sign: Scorpio.

I am not sure how I am going to do this yet, if it will be a story, or just my rambling about what happens. I wrote the title of this topic as a story title, and cannot change it now. Either way, it will be updated as long as I am playing her.

*Spoiler* I keep no such tallies!

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