Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Chapter 8

Sticks and stones Bob, sticks and stones,

The towns people are starting to ask questions. I knew it would happen eventually, but I wasn't thinking it would be this early in the game. It doesn't help that both Quinn and Hugh were both high on the social list. I am going to have to start finding fools that no one will miss I think. Maybe the nice homeless elf that lives in the alley next to the diner. He doesn't seem to be anyone anyone would miss. Right now though, I have to worry about Charissa and taking care of that. I did finally ask her to move in! I thought I kept her waiting long enough. I then asked her to marry me, and we quickly had a private wedding. I didn't want to draw more attention to our house by having some big ceremony, plus it really is just a waist of money since I'm going to be killing her soon anyways.



Tortuously I potty trained Calista. She was a messy little pooper, and she was the first on my list of things that had to be done. She now poops in her potty and only has an occasional accident.


Charissa has been a huge help around the house! I am really going to miss her clean freak personality when she is gone. She has kept the house pretty neat, and what she doesn't have time for, the other maid we hired picks up the slack. She even taught Draven to walk, I didn't even have to ask her!


Braxton walks around his brother and sister like hes king shit. He knows he's bigger and smarter, and has no problems making sure his younger siblings know this.


Back to toddler skilling,



I hate my life Bob,

Yep, you guessed it, I am pregnant again! I don't know if I am happy or not about this one. I have so many kids in the house right now I just want to pull my hair out. And yet, here I am adding more to the bunch! This curse really sucks!


The kids are all doing great though. I am proud of myself on that. I might not be able to keep a dog from being taken away, but I can at least keep my kids happy. For the most part they get along too! Braxton still thinks he's bigger than the other two and bullies them for all the good toys. Why just the other day little Calista was playing in the toy box and Braxton got mad because he wanted a toy. He made her get out so that he could get in. I am so proud of my little girl though, she then wiped a booger on his butt! It was so gross and snotty, but so funny!



Sick with morning sickness,



Dear Bob,

I hate my mother! I hate her with a passion! She sent birthday presents for Ashlynn and Braxton. I thought cool, a new car, a bike, maybe some new toys! No! Not my mother! She sent clothes! And not just everyday normal clothes either! High end Hidden Springs Elven clothes! Seriously! Are we living in the dark ages again!? I remember being a teenager and having to wear my clan outfit. The tiara itself was just humiliating let alone the superman outfit. I also remember ditching them after I left the house to wear more human clothing. I shamed my family, but style is not something to be wreakend with! Wouldn't you know it though, Ashlynn actually likes her outfit! My god, I don't think she's normal! She says she feels like a princess, and we should all bow down to her. I'll bow down to her all right, while I'm smacking her off that pedestal.



Braxton's outfit wasn't as bad as Ashlynn's, but still had that old middle earth thing going for it. He too loved his new clothes. Just shoot me now Bob, my mother has moved to Dragon Valley with us. Thank god, that is only in clothing.


Birthdays are over,



There is a pervert in the house Bob!

Hugh, who would of thunk it! He's a peeping Tom! And with my daughter! Couldn't be with me, you know his wife! Or hey, even Charissa who isn't a butterface by no means. Nope, the creepy old pervert decided to watch my daughter take a shower! I am going to throw his urn in the fireplace!


Creeped out,



Dear Bob,

I finally made it out of the house today! Whoop whoop! This is a monumental thing for me! I have been so sick with this pregnancy and so busy with all the kids, I just haven't had time to go out and find my next victim. I did today though! I headed to the park, it was deader than a doornail though, so headed to the pool instead. I met this lovely lady Teagan Somethingrather. She seemed nice, and even started flirting with me on her own! No I didn't slip her a love potion, though that probably would of been better than what happened next.


No! I need more time with her! Dammit labor, you had to decide to come now!


I called Charissa and told her I was in labor and then headed to the hospital. She never showed. Later I found out she was too busy seeing her child born, because she was teaching Calista  how to walk. Priorities Charissa, priorities!


I left at the hospital with a basket, not a smile, a basket.


Blind babies again! Boy oh boy I really wish a God or Goddess would figure out what was wrong with my babies! I had twins by the way. Ella and Flynn. Ella is a witch and Flynn is a human. Both are doing well, thank you for asking.



As you can see, the house is now full. I have 6 children and a wife. I need to figure out something now or I won't be able to move forward until some of these kids move out. Boarding school? Maybe. I let you know how everything goes.

Drowned in kids,


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