Monday, March 2, 2015

Chapter 4

Dear Bob,

I lied, Ashlynn is adorable, yucky yellow hair and all! She is smart too! I do like her hair in the dark better than the light, but I'm hoping I'll get used to it. Grandma sent her this annoying little doll, it seems to keep her occupied though, so that is a plus.


Torey was playing hard to get, and it took me 2 days after Toad died to get him to move in with me! He didn't even want to be my boyfriend! Seriously, are all the men blind in this town?! Once I convinced him Toad died of natural causes, things seemed to be better and he moved in right away. Of coarse after we were engaged and married! I am not that easy! Torey lied, he didn't have a job, and only brought $1,276 into the house. Well at least it payed the bills.



Finally with him in the house, I set off to meet my next fool. This time I headed to a different park, I was hoping for new meat to choose from. Instead I met this guy, his name is Hugh Grey, and I thought he was very handsome in a very manly sort of way.


And guess what! This one actually makes me laugh, for real!


The park started getting louder and louder, and I couldn't hear myself think, let alone flirt anymore. I had to see what was going on. Turns out, Dragon Valley residence don't like unicorns! How dare they! This right here, could be the deal breaker. Who on earth doesn't like unicorns!


They even got toddlers in on the action! Corrupting minds early I guess.


It was good thing I got distracted though, when I got home, Ashlynn was passed out on the floor. Torey sucks at being a dad, that is all I have to say.


I did manage to teach Ashlynn to use the potty and to walk, told you she was smart!



Until next time,



Dear Bob,

It has been 3 days since I last updated. Hugh is being very difficult, let me tell you! I have called him and chatted. I have invited him over numerous times, but always he makes some excuse to not come over. I'm getting frustrated and so decided to write him a love letter. I mean, who can resist a sexy letter right? Right.


Torey is still useless, he never plays with Ashlynn and is always making huge messes around the house for me to clean up. I'm far along in my pregnancy now, and don't have the energy to deal with the house or Ashlynn. Mom sent a pretty neat device from Hidden Springs that helped Ashlynn learn to talk. I kind of feel bad I didn't do it myself, but I got credit for it, so that is all that mattered, right? Right.


The Goddess of Pregnancy and Labor visited me in my dreams last night. She said she blessed me with quick pregnancy so I should be giving birth to Torey's baby any day now. With that happening, I thought it was time to get everything moving along. I invited Hugh over again after I sent him the letter, it worked! He came over and gave me a huge kiss! Wonder what I wrote? I don't remember. Torey had just gotten in the shower so didn't see the kiss take place.


After his shower though, that was another story. He wasn't as stupid as Quinn, or oblivious! Second time was a charm!



I had gotten the kill room all ready before he caught me cheating. I had decided this time I'd use the cowplant. It took a bit for it grow to full cow, but I think the end result will be worth it. I didn't even have to lure Torey down into the basement! I just unlocked the door, and he wanted to check out the cowplant himself! Such a sweet naive guy.


After he was down there, I locked him in. Now its just a matter of time. I watched from the stairs, without him knowing I was there. He seemed to get along well with the cowplant and played with it all the time! That is not what is suppose to happen! Then I saw the cake that will lure Torey to his death.


I think I need to marry only stupid guys. Torey figured out the plant was hungry, so he fed it a swordfish. He just pulled it right out of his butt! Ugh no wonder he stunk all the time!


I'll keep you posted,



Dear Bob,

I'm still pregnant! I don't know what that Goddess was talking about or did to me. Frankly I don't like it! Usually elves are only pregnant for 3 days! I am now on day 6! Quicker pregnancies my ass! I think she was a torture Goddess, not a Pregnancy Goddess.

But on to something better, guess what I found in Torey's things! That's right, a laptop! I could sell it and use the money, but I am so tired of writing everything down on paper and trying to keep it organized. I decided to keep it, transfer everything from the paper onto the laptop and start my entries from now on, on here.


Ashlynn is only 2 days away from being a child now. She has grown up so fast! She is still as adorable as ever too!


I checked on Torey today, as I hadn't heard anything from the basement in about 2 days. Remind me next time to only marry stupid guys okay! He has fed that cowplant the whole time! I don't know where he keeps getting the food from, but he has kept the cowplant happy, while he himself is dying of starvation. Well dying is dying right? Right.


Hugh and I have become really close, he still won't get romantically involved much with me, as he says its weird with me being pregnant with another guys baby and all. So for now, we do things very innocently, like pillow fight and watch the stars together. I really hope this baby comes soon, its starting to ruin my plans.



Talk to you later,


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