Monday, March 2, 2015

Chapter 5

Dearest most wonderful Bob!

Today was the day! Torey finally died! Not the way I was hoping, but still he's dead! I don't know why I am so excited about this, I mean its actually pretty sad, he didn't even get to meet his baby.


The other Bob showed up to collect what was left of Torey, he is so sinister looking, I hope I don't piss him off.


I could hear Torey begging from the basement door, I hear Bob laugh and that was it. I don't think begging worked.


Then I heard the basement door open, and was like What is going on! Turns out Bob (the other Bob) wanted to come and play with me! I was so excited! Just as I put Ashlynn down though, he poofed away. I guess I missed my chance.


I had some money still so decided to get the basement a little more nice looking. I wanted the children to know who their dad's were, so bought a photobooth before Torey went to his death. Sadly I didn't think about it till after Quinn died, so he's a torch. He looks better as a torch anyways.


Later gater!



Dear Bob,

I started a fire! No I'm not excited about it, but I was able to ice blast it gone! It was sooo cool! Literally!


Hugh and I got engaged! Yay, he's finally coming around!


And the best news, I went into labor finally! It took a week, but I did it!


I was in labor for hours and hours though and nothing seemed to be happening, so I called a babysitter and headed to the hospital. Maybe someone there can get this thing out of me! Side note, the babysitter was kind of cute for a human! I might have to look him up when he's older.


I'll let you know what I have!



Frick Bob!

I think that bitch of a Goddess really messed me up! I am still in labor, and it has been 2 days! The babysitter keeps calling wondering if he's ever going to get to go back home. At this rate, he might as well move in! People come in, people go out. I stay here, screaming, hollering and bitching. I hate being pregnant.





Dear Bob,

The hospital sent me home. They said I was in labor too long and I wasn't really going to have this baby. I am to come back at a later date. Stupid people of this town, I swear, they all need to go back to medschool! Cut me open already! I am in labor, I promise!


It was probably a good thing they sent me home for a bit. Ashlynn had her birthday. I was in labor, I couldn't throw her a party, but the way she aged up, I was glad. I'm starting to wonder if I had a boy or a girl. I know, I know, its just the labor pains talking!






I am still in labor! I really thing this Goddess was a fraud! To top it off, the Fertility Goddess showed up and gave me fertility treatment, so now I don't know if I'll have 1 or 10 brats! If I ever get this thing out of me! I swear its not part demon!




Dearest sweetest Bob,

Yep, I think she is a boy!


She even clogs the toilet like a boy!




Dear Bob,

Look who finally showed up for the birth of his spawn! Too bad I can't kill him again, I blame this endless labor on him.


We are on day 4 or 5 of labor now, I am so tired, sore and miserable, I might as well skill for a bit too!


The labor stopped for about 5 minutes, long enough for us to go out to eat. Once home though, it started again! Come on kid, get the hell out already! And yes, Ashlynn still is dressed like a boy. I have no time for silly makeovers right now!


I am about to shove a sock in Ashlynn's mouth. That is all I have to say! She has no concern over my pain, and yells down to her royal subjects that the dragon is screaming again! Little brat will think dragon when I lock her in the basement!


I had it, I tried everything! Labor was still going and I am now on day 6! SIX do you hear me!! By the time I give birth to this turd Ashlynn will be married and have her own kids! I called my mom inbetween contractions and told her what was going on. She then snuck a witch doctor into Dragon Valley that was suppose to heal my pregnancy. I'll loose the kid, but I won't be stuck in labor anymore. Choices are hard. The doctor preformed some whoodoo voodoo on me, and my pregnancy went away. Ahhhh much better. Stupid doctor change my hair too!

And then, and then I wanted to die.


Pissed off,


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